Good Stuff Good Stuff
Some things in life are worthy of mention.  Stuff that gets the honour of being on this list are products that are tried, tested, and approved by my stringent standards of function and value.  It should make good things gooder and bad things badder.  Only the best are listed.

Chococoating Hard chocolate ice cream coating - makes any frozen treat better.  Doesn't work with frozen veggies or meats.  If you run out of chocolate bars, make one by pouring a strip on a foil and into the freezer.

Clear gelClear Gel - use for moisturizing skin, shaving cream, or hair gel.  This is usually called aloe vera gel but if you look at the ingredients it is mainly plastic and water (like hair gel).  The PC Choice item from Superstore is fragrance-free, colouring-free.

Civic 1500S3rd Generation Civic 1500S - a small cheap car with loads of cargo room and sporty handling.  It fits one twin mattress or 3 bikes with 2 passengers.  The systems are so basic that you'll be the only one running (without radio) if the electromagnetic blast from an atomic bomb stops other cars (maybe). 

GlaxalbaseGlaxalbase Moisturizing Lotion - recommended by many healthcare professionals because of its unique properties.  It is fragrance-free, mostly non-greasy, non-allergenic, non-otherthings.  It's the base from which most moisturizers are made.  I hate moisturizing lotions because I don't like their greasy feeling on my face and the odd fragrances.  I get this from London Drugs.

Fried EggGiant Fried Egg - this thing is about half a metre wide.  Other people have dogs that greet them when they come home from a long day at work.  I have a fried egg.  It doesn't require grooming, doesn't need de-worming, or shed hair like dogs.  It scares intruders and I can take it for a walk if I like.

PalmPalm Pilot - Ok the name is really a Palm OS device because Pilot pen company objected.  You can easily store notes, pictures, download news, play games, do Mapquest type searches, and much more.  Don't confuse this with PocketPC devices because they are not the same.

SidecutterSidecutters - You can use these to cut, pinch, or crimp just about anything.  A good pair lasts a long time and should not cost more than $10.  If you have brought your bike into a shop where I've worked,  you've had the honour of being served by this trusty tool.  It's the main tool used for some of my inventions.

White BunsWhite bread buns - This must be some ancient chinese food item.  Sometimes you will find it filled with meat or some paste.  When you want something bland but not just bread eat this plain.  Microwave it for 10 seconds to make it soft.  It's so good  I don't mind eating the plain buns and water for lunch.

SuperlubeSuperlube - Available in grease, liquid, aerosol liquid, and aerosol liquid grease form.  This lubricant line can be used for most mechanical applications such as bikes, autos, home, and factory.  They are non-dyed to prevent coloured stains, relatively low-odour, and relatively non-toxic.  We used these in food plant machinery and these are USDA certified for such use.  If someone forces you to eat grease, choose this one.

msgMy Sassy Girl - This is a Korean movie that is available with subtitles on VCD and DVD.  It combines drama, comedy, action, romance, and sci-fi all into one.

HandPalm-sized memory device - I found this one day so I can't say it's my invention.  I suspect my mom made it for me because she has a similar one.  It's around the size of a person's hand and usually you can carry two.  It attaches naturally to your arm.  The storage capacity is enormous.  I can recall scenes, events, smells, sounds and music just by referring to specific markers called "scars".  A bonus is that all the memory is encrypted unless I give away the code.  It can interface with nearly everything and can provide hard copy output.  In a pinch it can serve as a weapon.
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This page is created using a Canon A200, Mozilla, GIMP, JAlbum, and that Palm-sized memory device.
Last Updated:  April 4, 2005